Web server

2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - FRANCE

Web designer


About the information and data found on FReiss Consulting.com

The Content made available on this Website:

Is for information purposes only.
Is not an offer to enter into a contract with You.

About Your use of our Website and rights of access

You are permitted to store, display, analyse, modify, reformat, and print the Content made available to you from the Website only for your own use. You are responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing this Website. You agree that you will not access or use the Content or the Website in violation of such laws. Unless expressly stated otherwise herein, any information submitted by you through this Website shall be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary. You represent that you have the lawful right to submit such information and agree that you will not submit any information unless you are legally entitled to do so.

About FReiss Consulting’s warranties and representations

We exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all conditions, guarantees, warranties and/or representations of any kind with regard to Your use of our Content and Website, including, but not limited to, any implied conditions or warranties, any non-infringement of third party rights, freedom from viruses or other harmful code, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will FREISS Consulting be liable to You for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential losses, and/ or other damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data) without regard to the form of action and whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Website or any other content accessed through this Website or any site service linked to, or any copying, displaying, or use thereof.
We do not have any responsibility to:

Maintain the Content made available on this Website.
Availability of the Contents are subject to change without notice.
You shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, networks, telecommunication lines and connections, computer hardware, software, and /or other equipment needed to access and use this Website.
Access to this Website may from time to time be unavailable, delayed, limited or slower due to, among other things.
Hardware or systems failure, including among other things, failures of computers (including your own computer), servers, networks, telecommunication lines and connections, and other electronic and mechanical equipment.
Software failure, including among other things, bugs, errors, viruses, configuration problems, incompatibility of systems, utilities or applications, the operation of firewalls or screening programs, unreadable codes, or irregularities within particular documents or other content.
Unforeseen causes or events beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to severe weather, earthquakes, wars, insurrection, riots, strikes or labour

Respect of the pictures

Pictures or photos of people or places displayed on the Site are the property of the advertiser and / or used by the owner with the consent of copyright holders. The use of these images or photographs is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the advertiser. Any unauthorized use may violate copyright, image rights, the rights of persons or any other applicable communications or advertising regulations.

General warning

The advertiser shall not be responsible for damages that may result from the access or use of the Site, including any damage or virus that may infect your computer equipment or other property. Although the advertiser uses reasonable efforts to update the specific information published on the site, the owner cannot be held responsible for any error or omission.

Exclusion of Liability and Indemnification

The owner or any other party involved in connection with the Site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or other damages that may result from the access or use of the Site or the information contained therein. You will indemnify, defend and hold the advertiser and its subsidiaries, and its directors, officers, employees, representatives, licensees or anyone else involved in the creation, production and distribution site, against any claim, liability, costs and expenses resulting from your violation of these Terms of Use or in connection with your use of the site.

Personal Information

Personal information is defined as "information that enables any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of individuals to whom they apply" (Excerpt from article 4 of Law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978). It is for example a name, an address, a telephone number or an email address. The technique allows the automatic configuration of the site at the time of your connection and screening information is that of cookies. This means that the configuration of the site is connected to your computer and therefore all people using your computer have a site configured identically.

Using your personal data - Disclosure to third parties

By using this site, you agree to use our personal data about you that you have provided or that are collected via the Site. These data are required to contact, including newsletters and allow you to take advantage of certain services offered by this site. Under the Act of 6 January 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition on the personal data collected on you. These rights can be exercised by sending us an email or letter to the advertiser. We inform you that we collect automatically through the this site, information on particular pages of the site that interest you most, this in order to establish the information analysis and statistics to better understand your wishes and your interests. We can thus, subject to the following, send you information targeted to your interests. It may be that we use cookies for this purpose. We can communicate with the exception of your email address, personal information collected to any third party of our choice, such as our service providers or suppliers who contribute to the provision of services. The communication of this information to these suppliers and service providers may be required to achieve the benefits. You can expressly oppose the communication of your data to third parties, by e -mail and / or by mail to the advertiser.

Regarding your e -mail address

By providing us with your e -mail address, the advertiser reserves the right to send you by e -mail, newsletters and information about our products and services. If you do not wish to receive such messages, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose, each time you send this newsletter link at any time. In addition, we may share your e -mail address to third parties may send you e -mail unsolicited messages that may interest you. At any time you can contact us including through e -mail to ask us stop such communication your e -mail address. According to French law, such information may be disclosed by the advertiser to any natural person, legal or administrative entity that would be able to demand. Finally, the advertiser creates from user data (personal information or not) statistical analysis to its own needs. These data from these analyses are aggregated and therefore totally anonymous, the advertiser will eventually cede or sell to third parties.

External links

The advertiser provides links from its website to other sites of affiliated and non-affiliated. These sites are independent of the site. The advertiser does not publish and do not control these sites. Links to such sites do not constitute in any way an endorsement or partnership between the advertiser and these sites. Therefore, the advertiser cannot be responsible for their content, products, advertising or any items or services presented on these sites. We remind you that the affiliates or non-affiliates are subject to their own terms of use and policies to protect privacy.

Applicable Law

This website is subject to French law.

Amendment of the conditions

The advertiser reserves the right to modify or more generally, to update these Terms at any time without notice. That is why we invite you to check them regularly.

How to contact us if you have any questions about this policy?

This charter is intended to protect your privacy; we thank you for sharing your wishes and comments. If you seem that your data will not be processed as you wish during your visit to this site, thank you to let us know. We will reply as soon as possible. If in the future you do not wish to be contacted following a visit to this site, if you wish to verify, correct or update any personal data you provided, please write us.